"AI TeachTalk" Registration for "Generative AI in Teaching," a 2-Part Series
XCITE is hosting a new installment in the "AI TeachTalks" series with TWO sessions about "Generative AI in Teaching," presented by Karthikeyan Chandrasegaran, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology at UCR (see more). 

DESCRIPTION: Join us for this hybrid, 2-part series to learn about how instructors can use generative AI to support teaching and course development. 

Session 1: Demonstration and Presentation- Tues., Feb. 25, 2025, 11AM-12PM 
Session 1 will explore how generative AI tools like ChatGPT can enhance teaching and course development. This session will showcase practical applications, including refining course syllabi, creating diverse examples to explain topics, structuring lectures, building Canvas question banks, and drafting inclusive announcements to engage students effectively.

Session 2: Hands-On Practice- Tues., March 4, 2025, 1-3PM
Session 2 will build on Session 1 with interactive exercises to integrate AI-driven strategies into your teaching toolkit. Bring your materials, such as syllabi, sample questions, or announcements, to get hands-on experience and personalized guidance.

This guest lecture will include in-person and online participation options. 
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